Getting the most out of your work space at home
It’s probable that you aren’t reading this from your usual desk today, the world has changed a lot recently, meaning our working habits have had to along with it.
If you have found yourself working from home for the first time, you might feel a bit out of sorts but worry not, we have trawled the internet for all the best advice on making your home office work for you.

Get Up
Don’t be tempted to work from bed, it might seem inviting, it might be warm and you might be cosy, but we think it’s important to keep your bedroom sacred and sleep friendly, so get up! Plus, it’s not generally recommended that you take your phone to bed so we’re pretty sure that taking your laptop with you is ill advised too!

Claim your space
Find a workspace to make your own. It could be a desk, it could be the breakfast bar, the dining table, a dressing table – it doesn’t need to be a massive space, just enough room for you to set up your laptop and anything else you need to do your job.
Have somewhere you can get away from work too – if your desk is at the kitchen table, make sure you try eat your lunch somewhere else.

Let there be light
Where possible try and work near a window, open the curtain, put the blinds up and let the light in. Natural light will make any size space feel bigger and is likely to improve your mood.

Personalise your space
The brand police can’t get you at home, so why not add some items to your workspace that bring you joy, it might be a picture of family or friends, a special momento or just an object that you like. If you’ve got a wall, put some art up, your favourite painting or motivational quote. Use your favourite mug and coaster - and enjoy not having to get a brew for another 10 people every time you fancy a cup of tea.

Green up your Gaff
Let’s get straight to the point, plants are going to make your new home desk way more instagrammable, but aside from this, research has shown that plants in an office can increase productivity by up to 15%. Worried that your fingers aren’t green enough, a cactus, spider plant, aloe or bamboo palm are all easy to look after.

Get Outside
Even when working at home its important to take screen breaks, if you are lucky enough to have a garden and the weather permits, take some calls outside, replace the kitchen and water cooler talk with a natter over the fence with your neighbours, at a 2 metre distance of course!
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