It’s hard to put Park Hill’s journey into words
The regeneration of Park Hill in Sheffield has been a reigning jewel in our Urban Splash portfolio for over two decades.
With phase two recently completed, we chat to our regeneration director, Mark Latham, who reflects on RIBA’s recent decision to nominate the building for the Stirling Prize for a second time – something encapsulated in a new short film by RIBA that you can see below..
It’s hard to adequately put Park Hill’s journey into words.
Twenty years in the making, Park Hill has been a major part of the Urban Splash story – a journey marked by challenges and steadfast commitment to bringing an iconic, historically significant building back to its former glory. This month, it was back in the spotlight as a finalist in the 2024 Stirling Prize – its second shortlisting, which we believe may be a first!
This formidable brutalist building – Europe’s largest Grade II Listed building – has seen a lot since its creation in 1960. It provided the backdrop to many lives throughout the 60’s and 70’s onwards, offering not just a home, but a community for its thousands of residents.
A new vision
As the building began to become less populated it needed reimagining… Enter Urban Splash; Bold, brave and ambitious - some might even say disillusioned! Certainly, we met many challenges along the way, but if there is one thing I’ve learnt about the work ethic of Urban Splash and our contemporaries, it’s that tenacity is a big part of our DNA.
Thanks to commitment from pioneering architects like Studio Egret West, Hawkins/Brown, Whittam Cox and most recently, Mikhail Riches, plus a progressive partnership with Places for People,we’ve created something that can inspire and home a new generation and many more beyond that.

It may sound obvious to say we’re proud of what we’ve achieved here, and really it’s a huge understatement, because being recognised by RIBA with this brilliant film, and being a finalist for the prestigious Stirling Prize – the highest accolade in architecture, is the culmination of two decades of devotion to achieve the very essence of what we stand for – a sustainable place for people to live, work and play.
The prestige attached to this award is reflected in the calibre of professional bodies who understand and appreciate what it takes to create and reinterpret such a building, and it's an honour to be recognised in such company.

Taking on Park Hill’s regeneration was never going to be quick or easy – and nor would we have wanted it to be. It’s been a meteoric challenge with great care taken to honour the existing fabric of the original building as we propelled it into the modern day, tailoring it to the needs of today’s resident.
Being shortlisted by RIBA for the accolade this year was recognition of this great care, and a testament to the hundreds of great minds who thought outside of the box and pushed boundaries to realise its potential. It is a monumental collective effort. Park Hill is not only physically immense, but it also heralds a pivotal place in Sheffield’s identity and it was this that fed the dream of reimagining it, restoring it for the community who have such attachment to all it stands for.

We are delighted to have been on this year’s nominations list and even though we didn’t win (that honour went to the Elizabeth Line in London), the film stands as a great tribute to what we have achieved here. It captures the beautiful balance of the industrial heritage of Park Hill’s roots with its modern, urban reinterpretation; it acts as a reminder of what’s possible when you choose to step into the unknown, and I’m proud to work for a company that embraces that challenge.
I think anyone who has been part of its transformation will feel quite moved watching it.
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