Say hello to us at MIPIM
At MIPIM this week? While you’re hot footing it along La Croisette, you may well bump into one of our Urban Splash colleagues.
This will be my 26th consecutive MIPIM and as usual we have a busy schedule; I’ll be speaking on the Belfast stand on Wednesday morning, talking about “City Centre Living Taking Stage” and I’ll be in the Manchester Pavillion on Thursday afternoon in my role as Chair of the Manchester International Festival. There, I’ll join the likes of Sir Richard Leese as we contribute to a debate on "The Factory: Where the art of the future will be made".

My colleague Nathan Cornish will also be in the Manchester Pavillion on Thursday talking about Build to Rent in Manchester; our colleagues Jonathan Falkingham MBE, Guy Ackernley, Julian Curnuck, Nathan Cornish, Mark Latham, Bethan Owens, Adam Willetts, Simon Humphreys, Sam Lenehan, Chris Shaw and Akeel Malik are in town over the course of the week too and you can contact them directly to arrange a meet-up.

They’ll be there talking about the work we’re doing at developments like Port Loop in Birmingham, New Islington in Manchester, Smith’s Dock in North Shields and of course the plans for our modular House portfolio this year - including the launch of Mansion House.

If you’ve not been to MIPIM before, here’s a link to an old blog I did for Architects Journal on Tom’s Top Ten MIPIM tips.
See you there.
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