The holiday’s not over; with Stamp Duty relief now is the time to buy
With the news that Stamp Duty relief has been extended on house purchases in England, there’s never been a better time to buy a new home.
We’ve got House by Urban Splash Town House homes on the market right now in places like New Islington in Manchester and Port Loop in Birmingham; customers buying here can save up to £15,000 if they complete on their home before the scheme ends in the summer – just think that’s much more in the pot for fun stuff like the garden, decorating or furniture.

Interested? We’ve got homes ready to complete ahead of the Chancellor’s deadline. That includes Town House homes, actual houses, at New Islington – one of Manchester’s most exciting new neighbourhoods. Three, four & five bedroom properties are available and they come with gardens, parking and overlooking New Islington Marina – a pretty rare offering for a city centre environment! There’s a school, cafes and a park here too.

For those looking for flats, we’ve got four of our Mansion House apartments overlooking the water at New Islington too. Each offers a unique, exposed pine interior, huge windows and balconies; across the road at Avro, we’re down to the final three homes which are some of the biggest apartments in the city too.

Meanwhile in Birmingham, the final remaining Town House homes at Port Loop are now on the market. You can make a great saving by buying before the summer, and experience the neighbourhood as we start to ease out of lockdown – meaning you can make the most of the Floating Front Room café (yup, a café on a barge) and our one-acre park.
Come and book an appointment to view our show homes; just drop us a line for details.
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