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  • #US25 - "…Urban Splash have gone and done it at industrial scale. Again and again for 25 years”

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Blog by Sunand Prasad PPRIBA

#US25 - "…Urban Splash have gone and done it at industrial scale. Again and again for 25 years”

31 July 2018
A 3 minute read by Sunand Prasad PPRIBA

As part of our 25th anniversary exhibition, It Will Never Work, in collaboration with RIBA North, the last eight presidents of the RIBA have reflected on the contribution that Urban Splash have made to architecture, regeneration and the built environment over the last 25 years.

The fourth in the series comes from Sunand Prasad - PPRIBA and Senior Partner at Penoyre & Prasad. Past RIBA President 2007 – 2009.

Brewhouse, Royal William Yard, Plymouth

“However much you believe in the power of architecture and design to transform places there is always a slight sense of disbelief when someone actually goes and does it. And Urban Splash have gone and done it at industrial scale. Again and again for 25 years!

Matchbox, Liverpool

“Bloody-mindedly picking the most unpromising, most decayed land and buildings, abandoned by all the know-alls; then with wild confidence turning it into humming urbanity full of people, energy and life.

“Urban Splash seem to transmit through the complex arts of development, the unique spirit of late 80’s Manchester, as technically proficient as stylish, brave and infectious.”

Longlands, Stalybridge

The position of RIBA President was established in 1835 and has been previously held by significant architects including Sir George Gilbert Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, Alfred Waterhouse and Sir Basil Spence.

'It Will Never Work' exhibition dates

20 June - 12 September Glenn Howells Architects, 321 Bradford Street, Birmingham, B5 6ET

17 - 28 September RIBA London, 66 Portland Place, Marylebone, London, W1B 1NT

About the author

Sunand Prasad PPRIBA

Sunand Prasad PhD is a British architect and senior partner of architectural practice Penoyre & Prasad LLP, a multi sectoral practice with an internationally recognised profile in health, education and civic buildings. Prasad was brought up in central India and came with his family to the UK in 1962 when he was 12 years old. He was educated at the University of Cambridge, The Architectural Association and obtained a PhD from the Royal College of Art. Sunand held the position of RIBA President from 2007 – 2009.

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