Loving living at Park Hill - Urban Splash and Places for People welcome those renting at Park Hill buying in Phase 2
The award winning joint venture between Urban Splash and Places for People on the redevelopment of at Park Hill is seeing current residents of Phase 1 buying in Phase 2 as well as a surge of outside interest.
Tony Manzi is an Associate Professor at Sheffield Hallam University and is a current resident of Phase 1 having moved up from London 2 years ago. He has exchanged on a home in Phase 2 after experiencing living at Park Hill he wants to stay there permanently. He says; “I research urban policy and housing and have taken students on tours of Park Hill many times. This is great example of innovative regeneration. I like the way Urban Splash has retained the buildings structural integrity and the quality of the refurbishment in design terms is excellent. I had looked a various other potential properties to rent initially but found nothing comparable, and that made me consider buying in Phase 2.”
Tony travels up and down to London frequently to visit family and for work so the location is ideal. He continues; “The transport links are ideal for me. I find Park Hill accessible and like the feel of the development – it’s friendly and welcoming. It’s also good to know that the formerly negative associations with the estate have been transformed.”
Guy Ackernley, on behalf of the joint venture partners, comments: “It’s more than reassuring to see how the community is developing at Park Hill. There is no better confirmation that living there is working for all generations when people who currently rent are wanting to buy in Phase 2. So far these have included first time buyers through to mature professionals and downsizers. Maybe current times makes people really consider where and how they live as we are spending so much more time at home at the moment. We’ve also seen the value of the landscaped area in Phase 1 and Phase 2 will have its own area too. Being able to have an attractive space to walk and sit in is a valuable facility.”
Current resident Hannah Savage who relocated from London to Sheffield just before lockdown says: “I personally love the landscaped area – you wouldn’t get this in London – it’d be sold and another block of flats built.”
Hannah Falconer is a key worker who has been going into work throughout lockdown and is a first time buyer who has secured a home in Phase 2. “I am very excited about living at Park Hill and can’t wait. The thought of buying my first property has kept me going through all my long shifts at work, and tough circumstances this year has brought. I’m planning my interior design room by room now, and the views from my flat will be amazing. I also like the mix of housing there and am looking forward to meeting my fellow neighbours on one of those famous streets in the sky.”

Park Hill currently has a community of over 700 people living and working there. Whilst certain areas of life have been suspended residents have been active in supporting each other.
Homes in Phase 2 will continue to be released over the coming months. Visits can be booked to the Sales Office on site and there is an online viewing platform enabling a platform to ‘see’ CGI’s of the homes on offer that includes 2 bedroom townhouses as well as 1, 2 and 3 bed homes. Prices range from £137,500 for a one bed, from £175,000 for two beds and three beds are priced from £215,000 and £235,000.
It is intended that new residents will be able to move into Phase 2 towards the end of next year. Phase 2 will also include 20,000 sq ft of mixed-use commercial space providing the opportunity for a variety of offices and workspaces - as well as a new café, restaurant and terrace.
Park Hill is Grade II listed and described as a beautiful brutalist masterpiece. The majority of homes are duplex, double aspect with south facing living rooms and outdoor balconies.
Phase 1 is successfully complete with 260 homes, all fully occupied with businesses in the 10,000 sq ft of commercial space. Over 700 people now live and work at Park Hill. Businesses include the popular vegan/vegetarian café, South Street Kitchen – the first café to be based at Park Hill.
Phase 1 also includes businesses and purpose built premises for the local authority nursery; Grace Owen Nursery, that has been relocated from another area of the site where it had been since 1963. The regeneration of Park Hill has won many property and community awards and was shortlisted for the RIBA Stirling Prize in 2013.