First Houses land at Smith’s Dock
The first hoUSes have been delivered to Smith’s Dock in North Shields where we’re creating a total 34 hoUSes, 80 apartments and many other homes, workspaces, retail spaces and public parks (watch our video here for the full details!).
The first three modular units arrived on site having travelled up the M1 from our hoUSe factory; they’re now being installed and the landscaping around them complete for occupation next year.

And if you want to see what the completed hoUSes will look like, to quote Blue Peter, here’s some we made earlier in Manchester.

If you want to register for them and be the first to hear prices and details when we launch them, call our agents Sanderson Young on 0191 580 7999.

Find out more about them by watching our hoUSe video here; you can watch hoUSe on the BBC News at 10.