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Blog by Tony Colville

Getting neighbourly in Northstowe - forging local links at our new community

25 February 2021

We had a busy year in 2020 helping our new neighbours at Inholm - the community we are creating near Cambridge. Whilst the team is busy creating the homes in the factory and making the site ready we've been talking to people, getting to know the community, collaborating and helping out a bit.

We've been really impressed by the passion from the emerging, existing community at Northstowe 'the Northstowe pioneers' as they call themselves such as the Northstowe Foodies and their fantastic pop-up food trucks.

Community is everything and placemaking is a key promise of our manifesto 'Live well by design', and we pride ourselves on our commitment to helping both the new and existing communities where we are creating new places and homes.

Residents and community event at one of our neighbourhoods, Port Loop in Birmingham

We've provided some small touches and made some big impacts at Northstowe like much-needed bursaries to Northstowe Secondary College to help children and families through ‘lockdown’ and providing reading books for students from some pretty famous authors.

"Your bursary has been a Godsend for many of our families. We have been able to buy them food vouchers for local stores, we have provided IT facilities, support packages and online learning for our most at need. Things that we would not have been able to do without it."

Carole Moss, Northstowe Secondary College.

Northstowe Secondary School gets a special delivery of books for World Book day

We continue to help the library at the school to fill the shelves full of exciting books for the children to peruse and get involved with.

Martin Bacon Academy flat

Martin Bacon Academy flat got a 'changing rooms' style makeover last year too (read the full story here).

Our graphics team has also been on hand to design some new logo’s for Northstowe Foodies, Northstowe Social and recently the Northstowe Horticultural Association - we love how passionate the local community is about making Northstowe a great place to live and its visual identity.

We are continuing with lots of projects with the schools, community groups and Homes England such as improving local park at Rampton Drift, helping to create a strong and happy, wider local community - a place where our newest residents will make home-from-home. We have the before pics and we can't wait to show you after!

We are eagerly anticipating our first homes to arrive and welcome our first residents into this fantastic new community. If you want to find out more about the new homes available at Inholm, enquire below.

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