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    Press release - 18 September 2019

    Prince’s Trust opens new centre in the heart of Manchester

    18 September 2019

    The UK’s leading youth charity, The Prince’s Trust, officially opened a new Centre in Manchester today, 18 September.

    The Prince’s Trust Doug Barrowman Centre is located at Beehive Mill in Ancoats, former home of iconic nightclub, Sankeys which has been redeveloped by Urban Splash. It will build on The Trust’s existing presence in Greater Manchester and significantly increase support for unemployed young people in the area and throughout the North West, connecting them with even more opportunities to develop the confidence and skills they need to get into work, education and training.

    Plans for the Centre were drawn up in collaboration with a young person-led design group to ensure the creation of a vibrant, inspirational and innovative space in which young people can connect and thrive. It follows the opening of new Centres in Glasgow, Newcastle and Birmingham, and further demonstrates the charity’s vision to support young people in their local communities.

    The launch of the new Centre comes at a time when many young people in the area are feeling apprehensive about their future prospects. The Trust’s 2019 Youth Index report, which measures the happiness and confidence of young people across the UK, revealed that more than a third of young people in Greater Manchester don’t feel in control of their life and almost three quarters say their generation is less certain about future employment than their parents’ generation.

    Clare Crabb, Regional Director for the North of England at The Prince's Trust, said: “We are thrilled to open the doors of this new Centre in Manchester, which will enable us to increase the number of programmes we run in the heart of the city and across the region. At The Prince’s Trust, we believe that every young person should have the chance to succeed, and this flagship hub will give even more young people across Greater Manchester the opportunity to make the most of their talents and take the next steps in their education or career.”

    Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said: “To give every young person in Greater Manchester the chance to get ahead in life, employment opportunities and skills training have to be at the core of what we do. Organisations like The Prince’s Trust, whose track record in empowering young people to transform their lives speaks for itself, help enormously. This new Centre is a really positive step for the city.”

    Doug Barrowman, who donated £2 million to the Centre through The Barrowman Foundation, said: “The aim of The Foundation is to support charities that reach those young people within society who are most in need of support. I have been aware of the work of The Prince’s Trust for a long time now and our shared values make them an obvious fit. This new Centre will enable The Trust to give even more young people in Greater Manchester and right across the North West the chance of a better future and we are proud to be playing a part in that.”

    Tom Bloxham MBE, Urban Splash concluded: “We are delighted to support the Prince’s Trust as this admirable charity moves to central Manchester. They have created a great space and facility within Beehive Mill which we’re sure will help young people across the city.”

    Three in four young people supported by The Trust move into work, education or training.

    To find out how The Prince’s Trust can support you or someone you know, visit or call 0800 842 842.

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