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    Press releases - 11 November 2014

    Urban Splash appoints Sixtwo Architects to work on Stubbs Mill

    11 November 2014

    Award winning regeneration company Urban Splash has announced that it has appointed Sixtwo architects to work on Stubbs Mill its latest project in New Islington.

    Stubbs Mill, formerly a machine works used for the making and assembly of machinery for the cotton industry, has a rich history and Sixtwo, a Manchester based practice will now start design work with Urban Splash to deliver up to 30,000 sq.ft of flexible commercial workspace within the canal-side Mill.

    Speaking of the appointment, Nathan Cornish of Urban Splash said: “We are pleased to have appointed Sixtwo architects to work with us to breathe new life into Stubbs Mill. Whilst we are at a very early stage, and there will be no doubt many milestones to reach. Our brief is for Stubbs Mill to be a new type of office space with a raw industrial feel but fully kitted up to meet modern technical requirements. This scheme represents another important milestone in the continuing regeneration of New Islington where we have also started the preparatory work on site for our new HoUSe scheme, where the first houses are expected to arrive in the coming months.

    “We are excited to be starting the design process on a new commercial development scheme in New Islington which will add to the space that we’ve already developed close by at Ducie House, Waulk Mill and School House. The hard work starts now, and we won’t underestimate the challenges that come with reinventing this building. We will be working with the team to complete an initial feasibility study and then look to start on site in 2015.”

    Founder of Sixtwo architects, Nick Moss said: “We are delighted to have been appointed to work with Urban Splash to deliver Stubbs Mill as flexible commercial workspace. As a Manchester based practice we are passionate about the delivery of high quality architectural solutions in our city and Stubbs Mill represents an opportunity to deliver a truly unique office space in this thriving part of town. The brief is just what gets us excited and this, coupled with the building itself, means we can’t wait to get going.”

    Sixtwo co-founder Andrew Edmunds added: “We think that Stubbs offers an amazing opportunity for us to deliver our ideas about how to create the office of the future and maximizing both the potential of the site and the building. We look forward to working with Urban Splash to deliver a really exciting scheme at Stubbs that we believe will be a true asset to Manchester.”

    For further information about the project, contact Paul Jones